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The Poligny,
a dynasty of the Holy Roman Empire
       The titles appear in the charter of the Abbey of Rosière and obey the rules of customary transmission of the County of Burgundy and article III of the 1616 cupboard of the Archdukes of Habsburg.
These rules indicate that in the absence of a male child, the titles and the name are transmitted by the eldest daughter exclusively.
Thus, like the Houses of Orange , Bagration , and Habsbourg-Lorraine , the House of Poligny was able to avoid its extinction.
This was the case twice; thanks to Agnès, eldest daughter of Jean-Baptiste de Poligny then thanks to Zoé eldest daughter of Louis Gustave Quentin de Poligny (son of Agnès de Poligny). After being called Quentin de Poligny then Reumont de Poligny, the House of Poligny is called since the decision of the Council of State of July 17, 1960: Reumont said "de Poligny".
The title of Count has been held by François II since around 1650. This title was confirmed to Jean-Claude de Poligny "for himself and his descendants" by the Parliament of Franche-Comté in 1775.
The title of marquis appears to have come later, probably around 1770, when the crown was displayed on the buckets.

In his "Généalogie historique de la maison de Saint-Mauris, du comté de Bourgogne, depuis le courant du XIe siècle", the author, Charles-Emmanuel-Polycarpe, (pair de France), indicated in 1830 that Charles Claude de Poligny bore the title of Marquis (page 194). However, this title would only apply to the ancestral lands of Evans and Augéa, but no document has yet formally specified this.
Why ?
There are two explanations:

The first is that there are other towns in France with the name ‘Poligny’ besides the Jura town.
There are two villages, one in Seine et Marne and the other in Hautes Alpes, as well as a locality in Côte d'Or. Some family names refer to these places, but they have no connection with the Counts of Poligny.

The second is due to the fact that when Count Charles-Claude de Poligny died in 1776, Jean-Baptiste, his only legitimate son, renounced his inheritance (Château d'Evans and lands) and in return received life annuities from his half-sisters.  Jean-Baptiste, a deeply selfless man, chose first to devote himself to God and then to a military career. His position as an officer in the colonies and then as commissioner of war kept him and his descendants away from the ancestral lands. This estrangement seems to have given rise to a desire on the part of some to appropriate the name of Poligny and/or the title of Count of Poligny.
Main exemples :
de Poligny (Hautes Alpes - Dauphiné)

This is an extinct family, dating back to the 14th century, from the village of Poligny in the Hautes Alpes.
The most illustrious member of this family was Jacques de Poligny (1545 ? - 1592), who was governor of the town of Gap in 1589.
At the height of the Frecnch War of Religion, he fought for the Protestant side and was killed at the siege of Beynes.
Quirot de Poligny

A certain Nicolas Quirot (1752-1809) lived in a place called ‘Poligny’ in Véronnes in the Côte d'Or French department of Burgundy.
Appointed councillor and master of accounts at the Burgundy Parliament in 1776, he decided to call himself Nicolas Quirot ‘de Poligny’ to distinguish himself from his namesake father Nicolas Quirot*, who was also an employee of the same parliament.
Incarcerated during the Revolution, Nicolas (son) was then registered under the name ‘Depoligny’.
The addition of ‘de Poligny’ to the surname has since been included in the family's civil status. It therefore corresponds to the name of the land that the Quirot family owned and not to an alliance with the House of Poligny.
The Quirot de Poligny family was admitted to the Association d'entraide de la noblesse française (ANF) in 1992.

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Quirot de Poligny
* Bulletin d'Histoire, de litterature & d'art Religieux du Diocèse de Dijon. Volume 9 - 11 p.76 Edition 1891

Hugon de Poligny
Marie - Joseph Hugon d'Augicourt (1796-1866) is the son of Marie-Jeanne Xavière de Poligny, a half-sister of Jean-Baptiste de Poligny.  Marie - Joseph Hugon d 'Augicourt tries to recover the name and the title of Count of Poligny without the knowledge of Count Louis-Gustave Quentin de Poligny grandson of Count Jean Baptiste de Poligny.
He wants to assert supposed rights by hiding the existence of his uncle Jean-Baptiste in the family tree which he gives to the civil court of Besançon.
The judgment of January 10, 1865 finally declares that  Marie - Joseph Hugon d 'Augicourt "improperly took the name of Poligny and the title of Comte de Poligny and orders its deletion in all deeds and any other authentic deed".
Hugon de Poligny
Another enigmatic homonym
de Poligny (de Vatteville)

It is when reading the book first published in 1749 under the title of "The victims of love or Memories of M. de Poligny" from a manuscript found in a castle that we discover the most mysterious of usurpations.
It predates all the others.
This Monsieur de Poligny, whose first name is unknown, is a child born out of wedlock to the Marquis de Vatteville and Mademoiselle de Tenelon.
Mademoiselle de Tenelon, delivered by a Parisian doctor, M. de Valancé, to whom she entrusted her child, asked her to name him "de Poligny" for a reason which remains unknown to this day.
This false M. de Poligny is so unhappy that he begins his manuscript with these few words: "... my birth was one of those who dare to admit without blushing ... I was carefully hid the parents who gave birth to me "(p.3).
de Vatteville
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